🔎 According to Bain & Company and the World Economic Forum, 85% of executives believe their supply chain does not deliver the traceability needed to remain resilient and sustainable.
The study highlights two key elements. One: the problem is lack of visibility. No access to end-to-end data prevents analysis and understanding of the supply chain. The second: the solution cannot be to build internally an end-to-end traceability solution that would be the property of a single player. The work must be win-win for the entire supply chain
These two elements are the very foundations of our technological solution at Tilkal and at the heart of our value proposition.
End-to-end traceability is a trajectory that is built step by step: first with the most motivated upstream/downstream partners to create the dynamic and then with the others in a second step, to unlock the value step by step.
The most important and urgent thing is to get started: "Better done than perfect" as one of our clients says.
See full study HERE